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4 Dec 93 17:32
John Covici: The British Racists Behind America's School Reforms: part 3
The racist roots of OBE: Nazi
doctors in the classroom
by Suzanne Rose
In the 1960s, proponents of the ``post-industrial society'' united with
eugenicists to produce what we know today as outcome-based education (OBE).
The policy shift into a ``post-industrial age'' was announced by University of
Chicago President Robert Hutchins, with the publication of {The Triple
Revolution.} According to the proponents of this view, American science and
industry would not continue the buildup of the Kennedy years. The economy
would shrink, and there would be a need for fewer scientists, engineers, and
skilled workers. The image of man appropriate to the age of industrial
production was declared to be outmoded. Man as a producer, who is created in
God's image to achieve dominion over nature, to be fruitful and multiply, was
to be replaced by man as a ``steward,'' a guardian of shrinking physical
resources. Social engineers were brought on line to attack the values of
western Christian civilization and to promote outlooks which better reflected
the consumer-driven paganism of the New Age. Education policy would reflect
this change.
At the same University of Chicago where the thesis of the
``post-industrial society'' was born, psychologist Benjamin Bloom cooked up
the theory of ``Mastery Learning,'' which later came to be known as OBE. In
1964, Bloom authored the book {Stability and Change in Human Characteristics,}
in which he wrote that intelligence is a stable characteristic like other
physical characteristics, such as height, with its own specific rate of growth
and development. It is therefore relatively fixed in potential. Five years
later, eugenicist Arthur Jensen used Bloom's description of the intellect as a
stable or ``fixed'' inheritable characteristic in support of his racist
theories of education, arguing that genetically inferior blacks and other
lower-class people should simply be taught a skill and put to work. In 1983,
this philosophy was implemented by the Boston school system, acting on the
recommendations of behaviorist educators at Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and the
University of Chicago. Boston businesses established contracts with
cash-starved schools under a program known as ``The Boston Compact,'' and took
ninth and tenth graders out of classrooms to learn on the job.
This racist philosophy is a fraud. In 1981, a group of black Chicago
parents became aware that their children were not being taught to read at the
local elementary school. They investigated the new method of teaching reading
which the Chicago school system had adopted in 1974, and decided that that was
the problem. Angry, they charged that they were victims of racism, and
mobilized a boycott of the school. They filed a lawsuit against the school
district, demanding that the program be removed as ``education malpractice.''
What the Chicago school system had adopted was Benjamin Bloom's
``Continuous Progress-Mastery Learning'' program.
When tests of reading comprehension were administered in Chicago the
following year to high school students, the first time that students had been
tested since the program had been introduced into the elementary school system
in 1975, the parents were proven correct. The results showed a 5% drop. It
seems that the new method, which consisted of breaking down the act of reading
into discrete skills and testing the students on their mastery of the skills,
resulted in the mastery of those specific skills or ``outcomes,'' but without
developing reading comprehension. The Bloom program was eventually thrown out
of the Chicago schools after a protracted fight, only to be replaced by an
updated version of the same method, when the Illinois State Board of Education
adopted ``goals for learner outcomes'' in 1985, spreading the same poison, now
known as ``outcome-based education,'' into every school district in the state.
- The Cozi `feel good' method -
In 1988, OBE was introduced into a black elementary school in Norfolk,
Virginia. Busing to end segregation had been stopped for lack of funds, and
the community was promised that the new educational methods would help their
children learn. The program introduced at the school is called the Cozi
method, named after its two authors, Dr. James Comer, professor of child
psychiatry at the Yale University Child Study Center, and Dr. Edward Zigler,
professor of psychology at Yale.
Cozi is a pilot project for early childhood intervention. Social
engineers had discovered that for the new education methods to be accepted, it
is necessary to involve the parents and the community. The Cozi method
includes a School Planning and Management Team, a Parent Organization run by
the Cozi ``facilitator,'' and a Mental Health Team. It is funded by grants
from the state and federal government, as well as the Carnegie Institute.
Yale psychologist Sharon Kagan, speaking to an education conference organized
by the Carnegie Institute in 1990, ``Preparing American Youth for the
Twenty-First Century,'' emphasized the aspect of community involvement.
``While tacit endorsement of the importance of parents in child development
has always existed, it is not a routine component of all early childhood/child
development training.''
Not only do Zigler and his cohorts believe that the vast and growing
number of poor children can't learn through traditional methods, but they
think that the families of these children are incapable of raising children,
and that therefore the school should take over child-rearing from the family.
They think that the emotional, social, physical, and intellectual development
of the child is the responsibility of the school and the larger community.
Some might respond with alarm: This is socialism! The New Age oligarchs behind
this idea do not even believe that it is elected government officials who
should control the child; they assert, rather, that mental health
professionals and psychiatrically trained ``facilitators'' should be the ones
to indoctrinate the child with the values of their New Age sponsors.
The Cozi method, Norfolk's Bowling Park Principal Dr. Herman Clark
explained at a press conference on Oct. 26, means that children have to ``feel
good'' about themselves before they can learn. But to be made to ``feel good''
without being subjected to the standards of real achievement, is to be
brainwashed. Zigler was challenged at the press conference by an associate of
Lyndon LaRouche, to explain how Cozi methods are different from the practices
of Nazi doctors, because not only are his subjects chosen on the basis of race
and social class, but Zigler's teaching methods will destroy their minds.
The day after the press conference, the {Virginia Pilot} newspaper
reported that since the introduction of Cozi into the school, test scores have
declined sharply.
- Race `science' - The idea that disadvantaged minorities
learn differently, is racist. In fact, as the above cases demonstrate,
the new learning methods result in a decline in cognitive levels.
Outcome-based education, or the idea that learning can be measured as a
performance or behavioral skill, is being applied not only to ethnic
minorities, but to the vast majority of schoolchildren.
The idea that the nation had to develop a new method of teaching
people who supposedly can't learn by traditional methods, was given currency
by the alarm raised through national studies like the 1983 ``Nation at Risk,''
showing that the literacy levels of U.S. schoolchildren are dropping.
President Bush called an education summit in 1989 of the nation's governors to
deal with the problem. The governors adopted six national goals for learning,
which were to be the basis for a new education reform effort. The goals
involved measuring student progress by outcomes.
Where does the idea come from that learning methods have to be adapted to
the particular needs of the child? In 1964, Benjamin Bloom convened a group
of psychologists and educators at the University of Chicago for a conference
on ``Education and Cultural Deprivation,'' to discuss the new economic
realities and come up with appropriate education methods. The report issued by
the group says that because of the needs of minorities, and the fact that
education is facing new requirements from a changing society and global
economy, public education must be transformed. The report attacks traditional
education as focusing too much on the small percentage of the school-age
population which would go on to college. Instead, it said that we must offer
options to all children, not just to the scholastic achievers. It then lays
out the new direction education has to take, an emphasis on ``problem
solving,'' less emphasis on subject matter and imparting information, and more
on finding ways in which the subject fields ``relate to the real world,'' more
stress on helping the individual to grow as a person and find satisfaction in
the face of the harmful effects on the character supposedly produced by the
``industrial age.'' The report calls for new teaching methods and new
approaches to the teacher, student, and parent, and more emphasis on the needs
of one-third of the student body that will not go on to attend college.
Among the participants in the conference was the eugenicist Arthur
Jensen, whose article published in the {Harvard Education Review} five years
later, ``How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?'' would shock
the nation by claiming that race and social class determine IQ, and that
because blacks and lower-class people measure lower on IQ tests, they are
genetically inferior. Jensen contributed a research study to the Bloom
conference which showed that rats raised in a stimulating environment perform
better in mazes than those raised in plain cages.
Cozi founder Zigler, also a founder of Head Start, contributed a study
which demonstrated that lower-class and retarded subjects perform better when
their behavior is reinforced with tangible rewards, whereas middle-class
subjects perform effectively under ``intangible'' reward conditions.
In his 1969 piece, Jensen, who had previously operated in what passed
for the mainstream of behaviorist educators, argued that the alleged genetic
inferiority of blacks and lower-class individuals has implications for
education. He wrote that we must find non-traditional ways of teaching these
people, and must look critically at the traditional grading system, and the
relationship between teacher and student, where the teacher is viewed as an
authority imparting information. Jensen continued: ``And in the post-Sputnik
era, education has seen an increased emphasis on cognitive and conceptual
learning, much to the disadvantage of many children whose mode of learning is
predominantly associative. Many of the basic skills can be learned by various
means, and an educational system that puts inordinate emphasis on only one
mode or style of learning will obtain meager results from the children who do
not fit this pattern.... It may well be true that many children today are
confronted in our schools with an educational philosophy and methodology which
were mainly shaped in the past, entirely without any roots in these children's
genetic and cultural heritage. The educational system was never allowed to
evolve in such a way as to maximize the actual potential for learning that is
latent in these children's patterns of abilities. Educational researchers must
discover and devise teaching methods that capitalize on existing abilities for
the acquisition of those basic skills which students will need in order to get
good jobs when they leave school.''
- The destruction of cognitive powers -
The economist and political prisoner Lyndon LaRouche recently commented
that our nation is paying the price today for reinforcing the
associative/affective in culture and education, rather than the cognitive. He
said that the demand that educators address the associative forms of
intelligence rather than the cognitive, is the essence of outcome-based
education, and it means an emphasis on the emotional and irrational to the
point of demanding the destruction of the cognitive. ``OBE is feminism,'' he
said, ``in the sense of magic, in the sense of irrationality, in the sense of
the worship of the associative emotional/irrational, and placing it above and
demanding the destruction of the cognitive.'' It represents the destruction of
children's minds.
Comer, Zigler, Bloom, and Jensen share the view that the post-Sputnik era
put too much emphasis on the cognitive learning of children. When the
associate of LaRouche challenged Zigler at the Bowling Green, Va. press
conference to confess that he shared the theories of avowed eugenicist Jensen,
Zigler responded, ``I believe in cognitive learning, but I also know there are
other forms.''
Today's classrooms are engulfed in the education theories which sprang
from the revival of eugenics thinking, alongside of the drift to a
post-industrial society. Educators promote the idea that there are three,
four, seven, nine, types of intelligence, all of equal value, each with its
own pathway to learning. Indeed in his book {Head Start,} which documents his
role in founding the program, Zigler says that although the IQ is fixed, the
child can increase his performance level in the proper environment, one which
gives him an experience of success. Zigler writes, ``I thought that instead of
trying to improve children's intellectual capacities, we would be better off
trying to improve their motivation to use whatever intelligence they had.'' He
attacks the golden age of ``cognitive psychology'' which prevailed during the
period of the Kennedy administration, and the ``high hopes'' it engendered.
From Executive Intelligence Review V20, #44. If you would like more articles
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John Covici
4 Dec 93 17:33
John Covici: The British Racists Behind America's School Reforms: part 4
Will Big Brother take
your child away?
by Scott Thompson <cm
In his book {Brave New World,} British establishment kook Aldous Huxley
forecast a world without families. Test-tube babies, genetically engineered at
various convenient mental levels ranging from cretins to geniuses, would be
raised in creches to fill certain categories of social and economic functions.
Children would be raised by social workers to respond to the words ``mother''
and ``father'' with disgust. The child would owe all his allegiance to the
Sound far-fetched? Not when you look at the Parents as Teachers (PAT)
program, which is being implemented to varying degrees in 40 states, and which
is also being proposed on the federal level through House of Representatives
bill H.R.|485 (``America 2000''), part of the Clinton administration's
legislative package on education reform.
Starting with a St. Louis, Missouri pilot project in 1981,
``co-parenting'' programs have been introduced to replace parental authority
with that of social workers, starting, whenever possible, in the pre-natal
Laura Rogers exposed key features of PAT in an article titled ``In
Loco Parentis: The Brave New Family in Missouri,'' which appeared in the
February 1991 issue of {Chronicles: A Magazine for Educators}, published by
the Hoover Institute. Rogers notes that only four years after PAT's
introduction in four Missouri school districts, ``the Missouri Legislature had
mandated the Parents as Teachers program for all schools and all children.''
Now, PAT has spread to 40 states and 8 foreign countries.
PAT was promoted at the Bush administration's Governors' Conference on
Education in 1989 by such social psychiatrists as Shirley McCune, who told the
governors that the ``strategic direction'' of American schools must rbe to
bring about ``a total restructuring of the society.''
- The body snatchers -
PAT's concept of social workers determining how a family raises its
children, and taking the children away if the family does not comply, is
reminiscent of the 1950s movie ``Invasion of the Body Snatchers.'' The film,
an attack upon communist collectivism, showed human beings being turned into
``pod people'' who were controlled by a state with alien values. In a similar
way, PAT snatches children from their parents, to make their beliefs and
attitudes conform to a ``politically correct'' paradigm shift in society's
According to Rogers: ``The process begins when a `parent educator,'
through home visits and school visits, bonds herself to a family.... First,
under the guise of education screening, parents and children are evaluated,
the child is given a personal computer code number, and a computer record is
initiated that will enable ... [the tracking of] each child for the rest of
his life.... There is no code for normal.
``The next step of the PAT program is to change and usurp the
relationship parents have with the children. The change agent, the
`significant other,' will be working with the children in a `mentoring
program' or perhaps as a `certified parent educator.'|''
In many states, like Missouri, the ``parent educator'' is required by
law to report the remotest sign of abuse to a telephone hotline. If, as a
result, a judge deems the child to be ``at risk,'' the parents will lose legal
custody over their child.
Rogers writes: ``The `certified parent educator' may prescribe mental
health services and perhaps a drug like Ritalin.... If a parent refuses
recommended services, the state can remove the child from the home, place it
in a residential treatment center, and force the parent to take psychological
counseling for an indefinite period.''
- `Risk factors' -
According to Rogers's report, the 12 ``risk factor definitions'' used
in all states where PAT is found, include:
Inability of parent to cope with inappropriate child behavior (e.g.,
severe biting, destructive behavior, apathy).''
Low-functioning parent (due to limited ability or illness).'' Parents
who are ill, overweight, tired, depressed, have low-level intelligence, are
substance abusers, handicapped, or injured are all considered candidates for
the category of ``abusive parents.''
Undue stress that adversely affects family functions.'' This could
include grieving over a death in the family, divorce, separation, frequent
travel by a parent, prolonged illness, or low income.
Other (that wonderful catch-all!).'' The official guidelines explain:
``This can include a wide variety of conditions.... Consider such things as
allergies, heavy cigarette smoking in the house, family history of hearing
loss....'' In a word, PAT's ``change agents'' boast that {anything} can be
considered a warning sign of ``abusiveness.''
PAT's ``body snatchers'' can thus make a child a ward of the state if,
in the judgment of a self-proclaimed ``parent educator''--and without due
process of law--a parent is overweight, a smoker, a person who gives too many
toys, or is grieving over a death in the family. This system of child
snatching could soon get a federal mandate, if President Clinton's ``Goals
2000'' education bill is not blocked in the Congress.
From Executive Intelligence Review V20, #44. If you would like more articles
from these publications directly, then subscribe to the LaRouche Issues
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John Covici
4 Dec 93 17:40
John Covici: The British Racists Behind America's School Reforms: part 5
Profile: Alice Bailey
Satanic midwife to the
New Age of OBE
by Stephanie Ezrol
Tracing the history of outcome-based education (OBE), one discovers the very
influential role of an avowed satanist, now deceased, named Alice Bailey, the
founder of the Lucifer Trust. Now called the Lucis Trust, her group today has
a religious center at the United Nations called the Temple of Understanding. A
prominent associate of the Lucis Trust is former U.N. Assistant Secretary
General Robert Muller, who boasts that his 1986 ``World Curriculum'' is the
basis of OBE. A special U.N. design team for OBE, one of the 11 design teams
in the country, was run through the University of Peace, of which Muller is
currently the chancellor.
What is this Lucis Trust? Its officials today will tell you that it
does not really have anything to do with the devil; but under pressure, they
admit that yes, Lucis does refer to Lucifer. The reference is a cornerstone of
the dogma of the gnostic movement, an oligarchical movement dedicated to the
subversion of Christianity. The Luciferians claim to worship the Cosmic
Christ, who is one of many ascended masters, and who occupied the body of
Moses and Jesus as well as other prophets. Christ, they say, was also Lucifer,
the light giver.
Alice Bailey, while almost unknown to most Americans, was a very evil,
and very influential person. Sylvia Cranston, in her biography of Helena
Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society of which the Lucis Trust
was an offshoot, calls Bailey one of the most important thinkers of the 20th
century. The biography, published in 1993, was widely advertised and promoted
by the media.
Bailey was born in 1880, in Manchester, England, to a family of
wealthy landed aristocrats in the social circles of Queen Victoria. She worked
as a Christian evangelist in India before her conversion to Theosophy in 1915.
Bailey remained close with her family, which included an aunt who was the
chief Deaconess of the Church of Scotland, throughout her satanic career. Her
occult Satanic predecessor, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, was the granddaughter
of a Russian princess, and traveled within the circles of the European royal
In 1919, Alice Bailey produced the first of many books which she says
were either dictated or communicated telepathically to her by a dead Tibetan
``ascended master who was close to Jesus Christ,'' who had also been known to
Helena Blavatsky. The works of this Tibetan, as published by the Lucis Trust,
form the ``underlying philosophy upon which the Rubert Muller School is
based,'' according to the preface of the Robert Muller School's ``World Core
Curriculum Manual.'' These schools, which are ``participating institutions in
the Unesco Associated Schools Project in Education for International
Co-operation and Peace,'' begin with kindergarten.
Bailey went on to produce 25 books, the most important being
{Education in the New Age} and {The Externalization of the Hierarchy.} Both
stress the need for the occult students of her Arcane School to silently
infiltrate all kinds of educational, peace, and other organizations. She tells
her followers, who are primarily very wealthy and well educated, that their
mission is to lose their own personal identity in order to achieve the
superior power of the ``group will,'' in works to be revealed by the
``ascended masters.''
This idea of group identity, according to Bailey, is necessary to the
Aquarian Age into which we are now moving. Individual identity and the
individual soul are outmoded ideas belonging to the Christian era which, they
claim, was already beginning to be superseded in the 1930s. The Aquarian Age
would not, according to Bailey's 1930s writings, fully break out until the
1970s. The individual soul, she writes, is of no importance, because the soul
will be reincarnated as something different in a new body in a new life.
Reincarnation, a core belief of Bailey and the theosophists, in one stroke
justifies racism, suicide of the ``inferior,'' eugenics, and euthanasia. Don't
worry if you were born inferior, buddy, because in the next life you will be
- The making of a witch -
The father of this satanist ideology was Friedrich Nietzsche, who
heralded the end of the Christian era and the bringing in of the Aquarian (or
Dionysian) Age. After Nietzsche's death in 1900, an array of kooks and
cultists, including Alice Bailey and her fellow satanist Aleister Crowley
(1875-1945), began to develop the institutions that would usher in this New
Crowley is better known, because of the popular revival of his works
in the 1960s rock-drug-sex counterculture. He called himself the Great Beast
666, and was frequently described as the most evil man in England. Crowley
preferred to call his god Satan, whereas Bailey chose the name Lucifer. Bailey
and Crowley shared at least one common associate, the British novelist and
author of {The Cosmic Christ} (1930), Violet Chambers Tweedale. Tweedale was
a member, along with Crowley, of the satanic Order of the Golden Dawn. Bailey
describes her 1932 meeting with Tweedale in Ascona, Italy as one of the most
important things that every happened to her.
While Crowley worshipped Satan openly, Bailey's script for dragging
people into Hell was that warned of in II Corinthians 11: She clothed herself
in the light of good will toward man, and preached a magical occultism.
Bailey's followers, like the theosophists, claim that they only practice
``white'' magic, unlike their co-religionist Crowley, who was, in their terms,
a ``black'' magician.
Bailey become active in the occult movement in 1915 when she joined
the Theosophical Society, which was then headquarted in Hollywood, California.
Her introduction to theosophy was through two English women of the ``same
[aristocratic] social status'' as she, who then introduced her to two other
elderly women who had been personal students of Helena Blavatsky. She advanced
rapidly in their ranks and in 1921 married Foster Bailey, who had become the
national secretary of Blavatsky's Theosophy Society in 1919, and was also a
high-ranking Freemason.
At the end of 1919, Alice Bailey became editor of the Theosophical
magazine {The Messenger.} The job only lasted until 1920 when her husband led
a faction fight for control of the Theosophy Society at their Chicago
convention. Both Baileys had argued for a rapid infiltration of non-occult
institutions, but failed to win the majority of the Theosophists to their
- Satanists, socialists, and freemasons -
The Baileys moved their operations to New York in 1921, when, probably
through Foster's masonic connections, he was offered, by Ernest Suffern of the
Theosophical Association of New York, a house, a job, and a platform to
continue his efforts toward an occult breakout. Alice Bailey started a class
on Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine in New York City. That class became the Arcane
School, in April 1923. By 1947, some 30,000 students had passed through the
Arcane School, according to Alice Bailey's autobiography. The Arcane School,
the Lucis Trust, and a third Bailey group, World Goodwill, occupied the top
two floors at 11 West 42nd Street in Manhattan.
The Baileys received a boost from high places in 1925, when Graham
Phelps Stokes offered them rent-free, for several years, a large home with a
beachfront and servants' quarters on Long Island Sound in Stamford,
Connecticut. Phelps Stokes was the president of the Phelps Stokes Corp., the
Nevada Co., the Nevada Central Railroad Co., and the Nevada Central Motor
Stokes's pedigree gives an idea of the circles in which Bailey moved,
and which supported her occult efforts. He had been a member of the National
Executive Committee of the Socialist Party, and the president of the
Intercollegiate Socialist Society, before switching in 1917 to the Social
Democratic League. Besides running for several offices as a Socialist
candidate, Stokes was an activist in the military reserves and officers
associations, and the chairman on National Defense for the Military-Naval
Club. The Stokes family deployed its other sons into the Episcopal Church and
the Rockefeller-allied eugenics movement, as well as business and educational
operations in China, India, and other parts of Asia.
From Executive Intelligence Review V20, #44.
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